OK, here is my Andy Rooney moment. What is it about all these banks, credit card and utility companies encouraging their customers to “save a stamp and help save a tree by switching to paperless”, they never say you will be helping them save a buck on printing and mailing expenses. I received what I consider the epitome of this spin: a large cable provider is terming their online billing as "Eco-Billing", come on give us a break. My family and I recycle and reuse as much or more as the next family, and I work at an institution that has a prevalent sustainability mission, which I think is great. However, why should customers be made to feel guilty about sending a few pieces of paper a month through the mail? Oh yeah I almost forgot, online billing is supposed to be so much safer than the U.S. Mail; I'm sure that there are many more potential eyes for what I send though the USPS vs. what I do online ... Oh yeah, what is it about urinals and toilets not being flushed at pu...