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Showing posts from 2017

Is it Social Anxiety or Something Else?

Perhaps I made the mistake of referring to an "introvert problem"  in it, but it has been interesting to receive friends' responses to a newspaper article about my struggles with general and social anxiety disorder. Some responded to me "you don’t strike me as introvert, you are friendly and sociable". An employee in another department even responded by describing me as “outgoing”, but he saw me in small groups during the college's Service Day or “Hoo-rah Day". I responded to him that for me it is very contextual, if I’m in a comfortable setting with a friendly audience, I'm more likely to feel at-ease and engage. I like to help others feel comfortable, and if that involves me being social, that’s what I attempt to do. However, I prefer not to compete with others for attention, and if there are too many individuals competing for attention or for their voice to be heard, I’d rather be somewhere else. It’s very interesting and sometimes troubling ...