I used to think it was silly when the WalMart Sam's Choice brand placed "Made in the U.S.A." on pop cans and cookies. How could these products be made anywhere else? Well, I guess you never know nowadays. Low and behold last week on a return trip from Maryville MO I noticed a package of Mini Chips Ahoy labeled as being made in Mexico. Also, a few months ago I needed to find some non-latex bandages for my wife. Out of curiosity I first checked out the Band-Aid brand - made in China. Another brand, Curad was also made in China, but I felt relieved and happy when I found out that Nexcare bandages were still made in the U.S.A. Hopefully these will continue to be. I thought that food and drink, and health and beauty aids might be the last bastions of made in the U.S.A. but apparently this isn't even the case anymore... P.S. My purpose with this post isn't to encourage isolationist type thinking, but that many things we take for granted may not necessarily be so. As a...