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Starship TroopersStarship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Not as action-orientated as I thought it would be, but it's definitely a thought-provoking work about military service, structure, operations, and command. To a lesser extent it was about politics and warfare.

My only negative criticism of this work is that the amount of dialogue, especially in the second half of the book, took away from potential action and suspense.

I know what to expect when I approach a work by Robert A. Heinlein, just as I would for Isaac Asimov or Arthur C. Clarke. If I want a sci-fi read which is military and/or action-orientated, I will go with Heinlein. If I want a sci-fi read which is more contemplative or intellectual, I will choose Asimov, Clarke, or Ted Chiang. Additionally, to approach a work by Heinlein expecting it to be attune to current cultural sensitivities is folly, plain and simple. If I read a book by Heinlein is that going to make me Heinlein? No!

I did not see this work as indoctrinating. I'll add that being a military "brat" for most of my formative years, I resided at and spent much time on military installations. Some civilians would be surprised to learn that unlike many political leaders who haven't served in the military (during war or peace time), the majority of military personnel are not pro-war. In contrast, it is considered a last resort. If you don't believe me, ask a service member or veteran.

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